Substance Misuse Needs Assessment- LGBT+ views needed!

Hi everyone,

The Centre for Public Innovation (CPI) have been commissioned to carry out a substance misuse health needs assessment in Buckinghamshire for the County Council public health team. The needs assessment is looking at both drug and alcohol use among adults and young people. The needs assessment will address a number of areas including: an epidemiological assessment of drug and alcohol use in Buckinghamshire, an assessment of the impact of drug and alcohol misuse, identifying key populations with greater needs and whether any population groups are more impacted. The needs assessment will look at the current treatment system, consider the role of preventive measures and how substance misuse links to other health and social care services. The report will support a refresh of the Buckinghamshire Substance Misuse Health Strategy and will inform future service provision.

We would be interested in having the views and opinions of the LGBT community represented in our reports.

If you would like to be interviewed for this piece of work and ensure that your voice is heard, please contact and we will organise a time for one of our researchers to talk with you.

Stay Safe,

LGBT Bucks.

We value your feedback.

Tell us what you think and help us to improve.