Dear LGBT Bucks,
I am currently recruiting participants for my study on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual experiences of prejudice and discrimination, as part of my clinical psychology doctorate at Oxford University. This research hopes to understand more about these experiences, with the hope of improving LGB-centred support for people in the future! I am really passionate about this under-researched area, and am hoping to get as wide and diverse a range of responses as possible so that this study can be as helpful as possible to people in the future.
I am wondering if you might be happy to share my study with your members, network, and/or mailing list? Any help would be very much appreciated! The study itself has been fully ethically approved by Oxford University, and is an online survey that takes about 30 minutes. It is open to anyone 18 or over who identifies as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual and who speaks fluent English – worldwide! Participants who complete the survey also have a chance to win one of four £50 Amazon vouchers.
The link to the survey itself is here:
Many thanks,
Sarah Stenlake.