National Lesbian and Bisexual Women’s Health Week 2017


National Lesbian and Bisexual Women’s Health Week 2017 will begin on 13th March. We will be raising awareness of lesbian and bisexual women’s health inequalities. For too long lesbian and bisexual women have been dealing with health issues and not feeling completely supported by professionals. This could range from either their mental, sexual or physical health. These are some of the statistics LB women experience:

Mental Health: 21% of bisexual women and 12% of lesbian women reported a long term mental health problem, compared to 4% of heterosexual women

Drugs and Alcohol: 29% of lesbian and bisexual women report more binge drinking compared to 12% in the general population of women

Access and Attitudes: 36% of lesbian and bisexual women reported health professionals assumed they were heterosexual

Sexual Health and Fertility: 37% of women questioned had been told they did not require a cervical screening test due to their sexual orientation, resulting in over half disengaging from screening programmes, believing they were not at risk

Show your support or share some of your experiences by tweeting #LBWomensHealth17 and together we can close the gap on health issues by raising awareness.



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