Live in Bucks? Come to our LGBT Focus Group!

Hi Everyone,

If you’re LGBT, live in Bucks and want to have your say then this is the opportunity to do it!

We want to ask you questions on things such as equal opportunities at work, safety in the community, what you think Bucks needs in terms of provision for the LGBT community and more.

We have 2 sessions taking place on the 7th July 2016. We are lucky to have Stonewall facilitating the session in Aylesbury (12:30-13:30 at the Healthy Living Centre) and in Wycombe (17:00-18:00 at Wycombe Library) we have facilitation by the Bucks CC LGBT Forum.

These two sessions will inform developments in Bucks going forward and it would be great if we have as many LGBT residents taking part in the process.

If you want to attend or have any questions please let us know via

We will reimburse you with cake and really hope to see you there!

LGBT Bucks Team :)

LGBT Poster

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