Buckinghamshire Registration Service is proud to serve the whole community with consideration and respect.
Civil Weddings
The Registration Service would be delighted to help you organise your wedding day and want to help make it special. You can get married in one of the ceremony rooms in Aylesbury, Beaconsfield, or High Wycombe or in one of the licensed venues of your choice. In Buckinghamshire, there are around 80 licensed venues to choose from, providing beautiful and stunning settings for your civil wedding – everything from historic buildings to comfortable modern hotels. The Registration Service will work with you to give you the ceremony you want.
Civil Partnerships
Couples can also choose to form a civil partnership. You can choose to have a ceremony or just visit a register office and sign a schedule. If you decide to have a ceremony, the Registration Service will work with you to ensure this is personal and special to you both.
As with a civil wedding, you can form your partnership in one of the ceremony rooms in Aylesbury, Beaconsfield and High Wycombe, or in one of the licensed venues of your choice.
Converting a civil partnership into a marriage
Couples have the option of converting their existing civil partnership to a marriage, provided they registered the partnership in England or Wales. There is no obligation to convert your partnership to a marriage, this is purely a personal choice.
If you do decide to convert your civil partnership to a marriage, the Registration Service would be happy to help. You would need to attend a register office but it does not need to be the one where the partnership was registered. You don’t need to go through a marriage ceremony to complete the conversion. However, you may want to mark this as a special point in your relationship and you can opt for a celebratory ceremony at a venue of your choice. One of our experienced Registrars will listen to your wishes and tailor a ceremony to make it personal and meaningful to both of you.
Details of the fees for all the services can be found here.
How to contact us
Full information on the legal formalities and the options available for your ceremony can be found here.
The Registration Service is happy to answer your questions and accept bookings. Their offices are open Monday to Friday 9 – 4.30pm.

Buckinghamshire Registration Service, Buckinghamshire Council