SafeLives Spotlight on the LGBT Community

SafeLives produce a regular series of “Spotlights” focusing on groups of domestic abuse victims who may be ‘hidden’ from services or face additional barriers to accessing support. If you haven’t checked them out before they are definitely worth a look. They’ve just released their sixth Spotlight, looking at Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender people.

They say:

Although huge strides towards equality have been made, LGBT+ communities still face additional barriers when accessing services, as well as experiencing discrimination in wider society.

We know that LGBT+ communities encompass a diverse range of people with very different identities and experiences, which is why we’ve tried to include as many different voices as we can. We’ll be exploring the different groups and intersections amongst LGBT+ people, and the different barriers they face when accessing services. We also want to hear from you: join the conversation on Twitter, using the hashtag #FreeToBeSafe.

We value your feedback.

Tell us what you think and help us to improve.